Marketing Analytics Summit Agenda

Review – Agenda 2019

Workshop - Monday, June 17th, 2019

8:30 am
Room: Neopolitan 3
Full Day Workshop 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

The great thing about analytics is that it tells you what is wrong. The hard thing is that you have to do the work to make things better. What if you could put that data to work automating some of those fixes? This would free you up to do more of the high value work, right?

This workshop will help you discover new ways of using analytics to power conversion rate optimization, improve customer experience, and win more business.

Full Workshop details

Session description
Mike MoranSoloSegment
Senior Strategist
8:30 am
Room: Neopolitan 4
Full Day Workshop 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

There is nothing better than a head-to-head A/B test to drive marketing decisions.  A/B tests lead to simple analytics that almost everyone in the organization can understand and act on. If you’ve run at least a few A/B tests, this workshop will show you how to use more powerful analytics tools like predictive modeling to get more insight out of your tests. After reviewing the basics of A/B test analysis, we will talk about testing strategies you can use when you have a very large or very small sample sizes. We will cover a pile of advanced techniques including heterogeneous treatment effects, uplift modeling, causal forests, blocking, matching, and stratification. If this sound like a bunch of jargon to you right now, that’s okay. I will demystify the jargon and help you understand when and why you might use these techniques in analyzing your A/B tests. We will also cover Bayesian approaches to A/B testing including test & roll and multi-armed bandits.

Full Workshop description

Session description
Elea Feit
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Drexel University's LeBow College of Business
8:30 am
Room: Octavius 13 & 14
Full Day Workshop 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

From market research to direct mail metrics to web analytics to Big Data, the job of “marketing” has changed dramatically over time. We have arrived at a fundamental shift in marketing that is as impactful as the advent of the Internet: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

This workshop introduces marketing professionals of all ranks to the theory, the language and the practical application of these disruptive technologies.

This workshop will not teach you how to be a data scientist.

It will teach you enough about the language and implications to speak cogently with your colleagues, and determine where to apply this innovative technology first. You will also get a firm grasp on how these new tools will change your job and what you can do to remain relevant in tomorrow’s marketing department. 

Full Workshop details

Session description
Jim SterneMarketing Analytics Summit
Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
4:00 pm
Included in your registration: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

The Marketing Analytics Summit is going to be transformative and professionally invaluable - but it's going to be Fun too! Private Foodie Tour, Relaxing and Drinks by the Pool or a Private Tour of Las Vegas - what could be better? Cut loose before diving head-first into the world of marketing analytics. See your peers in a different light! (Included in your registration, but sign up is required for individual Activity by June 2nd).

Downtown Lip Smacking Foodie Tour - Are you a Foodie and want to Discover the locals’ favorite destination? Visit the newly revitalized, booming downtown for a taste of true authenticity in independent establishments, with chef-driven, seasonally focused farm-to-table fare and inspired craft cocktails. Guests are treated like VIP with 3-4 signature dishes at every restaurant and a guided walking tour between stops packed with insider information on Las Vegas and the sights along the way. The Tour will be approximately 2 hours with 4 stops.

Pink Jeep – Bright Lights City Tour - Traveling in style is a must in Las Vegas. Attendees will be picked up Caesars Palace in a nine-passenger open-air Jeep Wrangler for a 2 ½ hour tour. The evening’s chauffeur will be your professional tour guide who is an expert on all the magnificent history and urban legends of this exciting and lively town.

There’s no better way to start this Las Vegas tour than at the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign. This famous sign has made a home in pop culture through cameo appearances in films across decades. Next stop on the tour is driving by the key hotels that helped write the history of Las Vegas.

The past meets the future on the Las Vegas strip’s historic Fremont Street. Guests experience this high-tech sound and light sensation as they stroll down five blocks of video synchronized with music in the vaulted canopy above.

Final stop includes a walk up to the famous erupting volcano at The Mirage.

Fun, Sun & Relaxation at the Pools at Caesars Palace - What better way to set the tone for the days ahead as you relax by the Famous Caesar Palace Pools for a few hours with your industry colleagues! We’ll provide the Cabana’s, the snacks and the drinks and you provide the Suits & Sun block and maybe go for a swim or have a few drinks and discuss the days a head or maybe  just relax & decompress in the sun! The time is yours!

Session description
7:00 pm

Just show up - just like last year - and look for people who look like fun... that's us! This is a coming-and-going party of hungry and thirsty Marketing Analytics Summit attendees and friends. Find that big, tall table in the bar where you will recognize each other by the way you each carefully analyze the Margarita Menu. Enjoy -  But remember, we start early tomorrow, and you do not want to miss the opening keynote! Please drink heavily responsibly. 

Session description

Marketing Analytics Summit - Las Vegas - Day 1 - Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

7:30 am
Room: Octavius Ballroom Foyer

Pick up your badge and get into the swing of meeting the people who are going to have a genuine impact on your career. These ladies and gentlemen aren't just fellow conference attendees - they are your colleagues, your confidants, and the backbone of your professional network. The people you meet today and tomorrow will have shared this transformative experience with you. You will be able to help them in their careers and they will be able to help you with yours in years to come. Introduce yourself to somebody by asking them how they like their coffee, where they had dinner last night, and go from there.

Session description
Room: Octavius Ballroom
Networking Breakfast
8:15 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

Jim Sterne, Co-Founder of the Digital Analytics Association and author of 12 books on online marketing and analytics, sets the stage. Jim explains the rules, lays out the expectations, and gives you your marching orders. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show? Not even close. Tune in, turn on, and hang on with both hands!

Session description
Jim SterneMarketing Analytics Summit
Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
8:25 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

Executive Director Marilee Yorchak challenges you to participate beyond these few days by spelling out what the DAA stands for (hint: Digital Analytics Association) and how to can get involved to help advance our profession - and your career.

Session description
Marilee YorchakDigital Analytics Association
Executive Director
Digital Analytics Association
8:30 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Keynote 1

What happens when a practical, comedic, been-around-the-block analyst joins a Silicon Valley startup with an amazing brand, meteoric growth, massive technical scale, and a demanding data-driven employee base? Hilarity ensues. June dishes about leadership, governance, and self-service analytics, told through a series of stories meant to inspire, entertain, and mostly to inform. (This presentation may contain goats.)

Session description
June DershewitzRhymes with Amazon
Data Strategist
Major Music Streaming and Ecommerce Platform, Seattle, WA
9:15 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Sponsor Session

The Marketing Analytics Maturity Curve.  How would you assess your organization’s marketing analytics capabilities - novice, advanced, or expert?  What type of results can you expect to generate at different levels of maturity?  This session will enable you to self assess and answer the following questions:  

- How do you standardize data across channel and content dimensions?

- How much data fidelity do you currently have?  How much is sufficient vs too much?

- How do you collect data and are you capturing all touch points?

- Is data stored in a format to easily run models from which to gain actionable insights?

Are you using descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, or prescriptive models?

Session description
Rob ClarkeObservePoint
VP of Product
Observe Point
9:35 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

You walked into a roomful of strangers, but in a matter of minutes, you're going to discover some amazing people. Jim introduces you to experts, practitioners, and people just like you. These are people you'll want to talk to during the break.

Session description
Jim SterneMarketing Analytics Summit
Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
9:45 am
Room: Octavius Ballroom

Grab some coffee, stretch, breathe, and introduce yourself to somebody you don't know - including a vendor or two...  You might even pick up a data-driven t-shirt. You can meet new people, figure out what you each have in common and then immediately text them that you met so you have each other's contact deets. Do not waste your time. It's all you've got.

Session description
10:30 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Keynote 2

How do you meaningfully align all the moving parts of any marketing campaign to a specific business outcome? How do you identify the technical, operational and creative requirements necessary for the success of the campaign? How do you clearly share your vision (and needs) so upper management can understand it, digest it, and buy in? You asked the right woman. Mary created the Marketing Success Plan because of one of the striking dysfunctions we marketers live with: even with a commitment to measurement and analytics, it can be hard for us to translate clicks and impressions into business impact—and this can lead to cuts to our marketing budgets. Mary shows you how to confidently align the right corporate KPIs to marketing activities, while fostering buy-in from cross-functional departments and leadership. The result is a soundly orchestrated Success Plan that not only manages your marketing KPIs to your desired business outcomes, but also sets your projects up for success from the very beginning. And it all lives on an executive-friendly sheet of paper.

Session description
CEO / Head of Digital
11:15 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Engagement 1

From the start in 2002, the Marketing Analytics Summit has been the place to discuss and share our common problems. These are your people – they understand your situation. Often rated the best part of the Marketing Analytics Summit, sharing your problems with like-minded professionals is your path to answers, a little empathy, and a stronger professional network.

Session description
Jim SterneMarketing Analytics Summit
Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
12:00 pm
Room: Octavius Ballroom
Sponsored by
Strala, Inc
12:15 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

Bring your plate into the keynote room and learn what the DAA has been up to lately. Plus, a panel of key DAA volunteers answer your questions.

Session description
Sponsored by
Digital Analytics Association
Kerry HewSyntasa
Maigari Jinkiriebiquity
Chief Revenue Officer, NA
Valerie Krollfacts and feelings
Co-founder, Head of Delivery
facts and feelings
Marilee YorchakDigital Analytics Association
Executive Director
Digital Analytics Association
1:30 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Keynote 3

The smartest experts and the latest tools will not cut it without an investment in robust processes. Laura unwraps the riddle of why companies flunk Process 101. (Spoiler Alert: by focusing on cost rather than customer value and revenue.). Learn how heroes reap the value of processes and how to measure the success of your marketing methods. This technique is not just for your email, search, and social marketing campaigns, it also applies to digital analytics, customer experience, voice of customer, segmentation, and testing methods and logistics: all of your strategic marketing. Laura shares how the best organizations map their processes, so you can be constructive the minute you return to your desk.

  • The Central Role of Processes
  • Which Processes Should You Care About First
  • Best Practices of Process Mapping
  • Measurement for Your Processes
  • Tools You Can Use on Monday
Session description
Laura PattersonVisionEdge Marketing
VisionEdge Marketing
2:15 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Gold Sponsor

There can be multiple ways today’s common data collection processes can fail a business. Join this session as we discuss new and sophisticated strategies to develop a solid tag governance plan that helps eliminates data loss and improves analytics reporting.

Session description
Sponsored by
Easton MorrowObservePoint
Account Executive
2:30 pm
15-minute transition between sessions
2:45 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Analytics in Real Life 1

Although there are many differences between the for profit and nonprofit worlds, analytics challenges seem to be a common denominator between the two. How do you achieve the tactical and strategic goals of your business? What’s the key to gaining executive buy-in for your ideas & initiatives? How can you transition towards a self-sustaining model for your clients? Joe has been there and walks you through the notable challenges, failures and success he’s faced alongside some crucial lessons learned since waltzing into the analytics world 10 years ago, not knowing an eVar from an NPower or a GTM from a CPM.

Session description
Sponsored by
Joe A. MiscavigeSmithsonian Institution
Director of Data Analytics and Insights
Smithsonian Institution
Room: Octavius 7
Practical Analytics 1

Marketing is near impossible without analytics. Analytics is near impossible without statistics. Elea has the knack for explaining statistics to analysts in a way that a) can be easily understood, and; b) can be seriously useful when you get back to your desk. Elea recasts A/B testing in terms of maximizing profit (using a Bayesian approach) rather than old-fashioned hypothesis testing that optimizes for confidence. All you need to know now is that your analysis will become much more straightforward. Relax, this won't hurt a bit.

Session description
Elea Feit
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Drexel University's LeBow College of Business
Room: Octavius 13 & 14
Data Science 1

Customers may tell you what they think, yet they often act on how they feel. Surveys and focus groups provide verbal opinions; however, science has proven that emotion  is a better predictor of behavior. What if you could tap directly into emotion data and immediately create more relevant and authentic experiences?  Diana’s session includes specific, data-driven insights from the field of consumer neuroscience and biometric research. By determining positive and negative emotions and attentional activation, you'll find new insights into engagement and best practices which can help optimize every precious second of attention.

Session description
Ferdinand EphremTrue Impact
True Impact
Diana LucaciTrue Impact
True Impact
3:30 pm
Room: Octavius Ballroom
Break in the Exhibit Hall
4:15 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Keynote 4

Web marketing certainly isn't going away, but four forces are combining to radically change how we've approached our work the last ten years vs. how we'll have to in the decade ahead. Google's removal of SEO opportunity, Facebook ending referral traffic, falling ad impact and rising competition spell an end to the "best practices" of the 2010s. In this presentation, Rand will look onto the horizon to see what new tactics and strategies are emerging from the ashes, and what we'll need to know to stand out in the years ahead.

Session description
Rand FishkinSparkToro
5:00 pm
Room: Octavius Ballroom

Brain full? Then it must be time to let your hair down, grab a beer or a glass of wine and swap business cards with people you haven't met yet, yet will never forget. Chillax, you're among friends. Also - remember that tool you heard about? Go get a demo!

Session description
7:00 pm
Room: Octavius Ballroom Foyer

This is your chance to get out of your comfort zone and prove that you are serious about meeting your peers. Sign up for a Dutch-treat dinner and we’ll send you to a very nearby restaurant to meet other analytics enthusiasts for a meal. Get to know your colleagues in a relaxed setting over good food and favorite beverages. You might just meet somebody who can solve that burning issue you’ve been working on or whom you can help with your experience. "This was a little awkward for the first few minutes and then we had a great time!" And enjoy Las Vegas! But hey, we're starting early tomorrow so... you know.

Session description

Marketing Analytics Summit - Las Vegas - Day 2 - Wednesday, June 19th, 2019

8:00 am
Room: Octavius Ballroom Foyer

Yesterday was awesome. No time to lean back now. Show up and be ready to meet your future teammate, your future collaborator, and your future mentor. Introduce yourself this way:

  • Hi, my name is ____.
  • What was the most interesting thing you saw or yesterday?
  • Which of the vendors on the show floor should I check out?
  • Which sessions do you most want to see today?
Session description
Room: Octavius Ballroom
Networking Breakfast
9:00 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Jim SterneMarketing Analytics Summit
Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
9:10 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

Only 5% of retail professionals report that their current AI systems “fully support efforts to improve the customer experience.” An increasing number of retail owners are implementing digital transformation initiatives to gain better insight into CX, but the gap between insight and action within the last mile is where many transformations fall short. diwo (Data In, Wisdom Out) was engineered from the ground up to tackle the decision-making process directly, beginning with the customer in mind while acknowledging a business’s previous trends to visualize their next best move. The new platform’s scalable design seamlessly integrates with existing data, making implementation simple. diwo launches business owners towards visibility in the last mile, allowing them to positively shape the customer experience.

Session description
Sponsored by
Krishna Kallakuridiwo
diwo – Loven Systems
9:30 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Keynote 5

Harnessing data in today’s business environment can be complex and confusing. Organizations need a data strategy to guide them. The days of a monolithic, one-size-fits-all data strategy are long gone. Organizations must be nimble in their approaches, willing to accept challenges and failures, and adapt to the real-time pace of changing consumer behaviors, multiple marketing initiatives, and pressure to achieve operational efficiency amid ever growing volumes of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Thus the need for an Executable Data Strategy that helps companies by breaking down data strategy into its component parts and enabling an agile approach to assembling the necessary requirements for using data with purpose

Session description
John LovettSEER Interactive
VP of Analytics
Seer Interactive
10:00 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Engagement 2

It's wonderful that there's such a great variety of subject matter at this Marketing Analytics Summit, but you really want to talk to people about ________.  Now's your chance. Post your favorite subject on the BIRDS OF A FEATHER TOPIC BOARD at the back of the keynote room and identify a table where you can be found. All topics will be listed on the big screen, so you can find your like-minded colleagues for an in-depth discussion about that which is keeping you up, holding you back or making you crazy.

Session description
Jim SterneMarketing Analytics Summit
Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association
10:45 am
Room: Octavius Ballroom

After you've used the facilities and grabbed a refreshment, it's time to check out what the vendors on the show floor are hawking. These are leading-edge technology firms with tools, services, and approaches to problem solving that you have not seen before. How do you make your trip report shine when you get back your team? Show them something that'll blow their minds. And pick up a tchotchke for your kid, your nephew, or your dog. 

Session description
11:30 am
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Analytics in Real Life 2

Congratulations on implementing your new analytics platform! Now what?

  • How do you grow your impact on the organization as fast as possible?
  • How do you anticipate and plan for the obstacles which will be coming your way?
  • How do you get the attention of company leaders early?

It is not good enough for digital analytics to exist as a repository of visit data. Analytics needs to be at the core of decision-making, testing, and product analysis. Neil will review the decisions and failures that brought the team into maturity. Accelerate your own success in analytics by building vision, establishing best practices, gaining stakeholder engagement, and addressing budget concerns!

Session description
Sponsored by
Neil MoreeSunbelt Rentals
Director of eCommerce Analytics
Sunbelt Rentals
Room: Octavius 7
Practical Analytics 2

Your brain is out to trip you up. Seriously. Limited working memory, confirmation bias, conformity to the norm - your brain is a minefield of contradiction. You best beware of what's going on in your head, or you'll never be able to navigate the data. How people perceive our marketing and act on it is at the root of what we do as analysts. Michele covers foundational psychology experiments, what they tell us about human behavior, and you how to leverage it for better analysis, better data presentation, and a better self.

Session description
Michele KissAnalytics Demystified
Senior Partner
Analytics Demystified
Room: Octavius 13 & 14
Data Science 2

We all love data, even though it's a distraction from focusing on Information. But what is Information? In this talk, Matt introduces the wonderful world of Entropy and defines Information. With a gentle introduction to Claude Shannon's Information Theory, Matt reveals how to take your analytics career to the next level.

Session description
Matt GershoffConductrics
12:15 pm
Room: Octavius Ballroom
12:30 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

All Marketing Analytics Summit attendees are welcome to the DAA Women in Analytics lunch. Learn what this gender-inclusive group is doing to support gender equality in analytics profession. Meet with fellow analysts in a roundtable discussion about issues facing women within this profession – and how we can all work to improve the situation. Men - come to learn how to be a professional ally and improve the working conditions at your organization.

Session description
Valerie Krollfacts and feelings
Co-founder, Head of Delivery
facts and feelings
1:30 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Analytics in Real Life 3

Cigna is passionate about delivering category-of-one customer experiences. Jennifer will share how Cigna uses Voice of Customer analytics - statistics, text analytics, sentiment, speech analytics, omni-channel journey analytics and more - to optimize transactional experiences such as website functionality and call center scripting. She will also share stories from the trenches about NPS, automation, reducing time to insight and evangelizing CX metrics. Jennifer is an engaging speaker and attendees are guaranteed to take away at least one actionable idea for leveraging Voice of Customer data to drive business outcomes.

Session description
Sponsored by
Jennifer Veesenmeyer
Head of Voice of Customer Analytics
Room: Octavius 7
Practical Analytics 3

Growing a team requires a lot of time, effort, and proper management tools. The pain points are common; inefficient distribution of tasks, no time to teach and coach new employees, seasoned analysts didn’t have enough time for R&D and skills improvement, no idea how much time a given employee spent at which tasks.. the list goes on. Mariia plots out how to improve task estimation, how to ensure that painfully-learned lessons are shared with everybody, how to balance project priorities, and how they turned their analytical skills on themselves.

Session description
Mariia BochevaGoogle
Attribution and Automation Specialist
Room: Octavius 13 & 14
Data Science 3

Moe shares the most valuable analytical technique she learned from her time in government – ACH. Often, confirmation bias (the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs) railroads an analyst’s findings. ACH draws on scientific methodology, cognitive psychology and decision analysis to avoid this analytical trap. The strength of ACH is that it is difficult for an analyst’s natural biases to influence the outcome of their analysis. Moe teaches how to build your own hypotheses matrix and set up to disprove hypotheses using a case study. And yes, she’s applying ACH to her work at THE ICONIC, Australia & New Zealand’s largest online retailer.

Session description
Moe KissCanva
Marketing Data Lead
2:10 pm
10-minute transition between sessions
2:20 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Analytics in Real Life 4

You’ve been at this content thing for a while and you’re busier than ever. But your traffic is stuck at the same levels. You’re working more for the same results you got last year. It’s time to adapt. To go beyond the basics. To take a more advanced approach to your content. You may think this is just Andy revealing some super-fresh tricks for getting traffic, but in true Ninja style, he'll teach you a new way to think about traffic. He will literally make you a smarter marketer.

  • How do you turn day-to-day email communication into high ranking articles?
  • How do you delegate using tools, outsourcing and virtual assistants?
  • How do you get older content to rank like champions?
  • How do you find the pages on your site that are already ready to rank?
Session description
Sponsored by
Andy CrestodinaOrbit Media Studios
Chief Marketing Officer and Co-Founder
Orbit Media Studios
Room: Octavius 7
Practical Analytics 4

A data pipeline is not just for piping data to a warehouse. It's now easier to get data from tool to tool,  improving your customer identity attributes, tracking key stages of the customer journey, and retaining context from one tool to another. But that's just the start. Dan describes how to send new attributes downstream to various tools based on logic and segmentation you build. 

Session description
Dan McGaw
Founder & CEO
Room: Octavius 13 & 14
Data Science 4

Don't have nights and weekends to rework your personal budget to drop out of the workforce for a few years and return to school full-time to learn Data Science?? Yet, you'd love to start doing some data science? Tim is here to lend a hand. He describes why and how he started doing more data science while remaining an analyst at his core, and what he has learned along the way. The real fun starts with examples he shows - in a way you can try them out on your own data, very easily, without writing a line of code. Tim's cases are real-world and hands-on, so you can log into your Google Analytics account and follow along. Yes, you'll also get the code (including an explanation of the statistics that are in play and why they matter) separately. Practical, tactical and voila, you can add "Data Science" to your LinkedIn profile.

Session description
Tim Wilsonfacts and feelings
Co-founder, Head of Solutions
facts and feelings
3:00 pm
Room: Octavius Ballroom

Stretch your limbs; stretch your muscles, stretch out your hand out of your comfort zone and meet somebody. Even better, meet some of the vendors on the show floor before they fold up their booths and slip away.. 

Session description
3:30 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

Comedy from Yoram Bauman, PhD, “the world’s first and only stand-up economist”.

Session description
Yoram Bauman
The world's first and only stand-up economist
3:45 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11
Keynote 6

From Behavioral Analytics, to Enterprise Reporting, to Voice of Customer and now In-Store tracking, Gary has spent almost three decades pushing the frontier of analytics. Along the way, he's failed at almost every aspect of doing, explaining, and operationalizing analytics which leads to a lot of wisdom. Gary looks at some of his key learnings along with what good, state-of-the-art analytics looks like today. He offers up what not to do (and, yes, some of what to do) when tackling Customer Journey Mapping, integrating Voice of Customer with Behavioral Data (digital or in-store), building behavioral segmentations, analyzing Customer Lifetime Value, doing (or forgetting about) cohort analysis, setting KPIs, building enterprise reports, organizing your teams, and talking to C-Suite executives. This is an entire analytics PHD in 45 minutes.

Session description
Gary AngelDigital Mortar
Digital Mortar
4:30 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

The Digital Analytics Power Hour podcast was inspired by the discussions that occur in lobby bars after hours at conferences like Marketing Analytics Summit (specifically, by MAS's predecessor, eMetrics). For four-and-a-half years this bi-weekly show has explored various analytics topics with digital drink in hand and the combined experiences and wit of the hosts and their guests on tap and flowing freely. This  will be recorded with MAS attendees as a live (and participatory!) audience and will explore another important topic of the day.

Session description
Michael HelblingStacked Analytics
Managing Partner
Stacked Analytics
Moe KissCanva
Marketing Data Lead
Tim Wilsonfacts and feelings
Co-founder, Head of Solutions
facts and feelings
5:15 pm
Room: Octavius 9 - 11

This is where the rubber meets the road and we find out if Jim came through on his promise. Are you different? How? What will you tell your colleagues, your friends, your family when you get home?

Session description
Jim SterneMarketing Analytics Summit
Marketing Analytics Summit, Co-Founder Digital Analytics Association

Workshop - Thursday, June 20th, 2019

9:00 am
Room: Octavius 13 & 14
Full Day Workshop 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

“No matter how big your data, you must master storytelling and visualization to influence business decisions.”

Visualization is the new communication medium – not the activity of making charts! Learn how to apply the foundations of visual language, evoke what people really want from their data, and unleash your creativity.

Develop leadership in the processes, people, and culture around visualization. To make big data successful requires you to build new skills in visualization, turn data into stories, and change how teams work together.

This workshop is more than a day of amazing ideas. The exercises and team-based challenges build your confidence with practical ways to immediately improve your visualizations and reveal the “a-ha” insights. 

Full Workshop details

Session description
Lee FeinbergDecisionViz
Founder and President
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