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$usersEventId = PredictiLondon2015

Predictive Analytics World for Business - London 2015


Predictive Analytics World for Business - London - Day 1 - Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

8:00 am
9:15 am
Room: London
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
9:20 am
Room: London
Opening Featured Session

Television impacts our daily lives. It provides news, entertainment and education. And, with minute-by-minute information on TV ratings and multi-billion-euro income streams from advertising, it is a real Big Data decision problem that requires sophisticated Analytics. TV viewers must be predicted for each 30 second timeslot, normally days in advance, in order to schedule the right advertisement. However, viewership patterns vary by demographic of target audiences, from young adults to elderly couples and the affluent to the unemployed, across geo-regions from rainy North to sunny South, with TV programme schedules and weather driving viewership patterns over time. Without analytical methods, comply decisions quickly become inefficient. We present a case-study from a leading private UK TV channel where we employed analytics to support decision making.

Attendees will learn:

  • How a time series approach helped to make sense of terabytes of data
  • How to explore viewer behaviour using time series clustering in Descriptive Analytics
  • How to forecast future viewers using k-nearest neighbours in Predictive Analytics
  • How to optimise advertising scheduling across changing variance in Prescriptive Analytics

Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
10:00 am
Room: London
Sponsored Session
Advanced analysis techniques that mine answers to our greatest challenges have been adapting due to both technological innovation and business leaders and not just statisticians becoming data driven.

Today we live in a world typified with an abundance of available data, but a scarcity of data scientists to unlock accurate and reliable results. Organisations that harness the power of IoT, big data and real-time analytics create new avenues to innovation and huge advantage.

Dell Software will be sharing key innovations in the field of advanced analytics that address:
- How to adapt to highly diverse data environments.
- How to make analytics a tool to be used by all members of your organisation.
- How to share models from data scientists globally that drive mankind’s discoveries, wealth and well-being.

Session description
Sponsored by
Dell Statistica
Nuno AntonioDell
Pre and Post Sales Senior Manager
10:30 am
Coffee Break
10:55 am
Room: London
With a fundamental change in the assumptions underpinning a structured data world dominated by relational databases, we are entering the age of BigData. The combination of economic drivers in enterprise computing, the need to leverage semi-structured and unstructured Data, and the emergence of the Internet of Things (IOT), a dramatic shift in the Data landscape is taking place. The advent of Hadoop and the Open Source stack in this space have accelerated the changes to a point of confusion. Today’s data analyst faces a bewildering environment of technologies and challenges involving semi-structured and unstructured data with access methodologies that have almost no relation to the past. This talk will cover issues and challenges in how to make the benefits of advanced analytics fit within the application environment. The requirement for Real-time data streaming and in situ data mining is stronger than ever. We demonstrate how many of the critical problems remain open with much opportunity for innovative solutions to play a huge enabling role. This opportunity makes Data Science and several related fields critical to almost all future analytical tasks. The talk will include 3 case studies to show the challenges and the great opportunities for BigData and Predictive Analytics.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Usama Fayyad Ph.D.Open Insights
Executive Director, Chairman
Open Insights
11:40 am
Session Change for Combo Pass Holders
11:45 am
Room: London
The Shell Lubricants Supply Chain (LSC) Analytics Team was formed with a global mandate to deliver value. Alex presents a series of case studies from the work of the LSC Analytics Team over the past two-years.

· Forecast Improvement: Forecast Accuracy is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for the supply chain. Accurately predicting future demand allow the supply chain to consistently supply customers without holding large amounts of stock to buffer unexpected demand. Improving the KPI was a significant change journey for Shell LSC.

· Customer Cross-Sell and Up-Sell: Working with a number of other Shell Analytics Teams the LSC Analytics Teams tacked the challenge of making appropriate cross-sell and up-sell recommendations based on customer sales – as well as how to cluster these customers.

· Pattern Recognition in Stock Holding: Tackling the issue of errors in stock management the team looked at computer pattern recognition within the time series. Detecting human errors as well as improving the time-to-opportunity ratio were key value drivers.

Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Alex HancockShell Oil Company
Head of Treasury Analytics
Shell Oil Company
12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:40 pm
Room: London
Part 1
Predictive Analytics (PA) has become increasingly mature as a technical discipline over the past decade in part because it stands on the shoulders of the related disciplines of data mining and machine learning. However, there are recurring themes that permeate discussion boards and conferences that have become my personal pet peeves. This talk examines three of them and why they matter to practitioners, including why we must have humility in how far data science and algorithms can take us, and the value of business objectives, measuring "success," and measuring "significance."
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Dean AbbottAbbott Analytics
Chief Data Scientist
Abbott Analytics
Part 2
The usual approach to improve targeted customer interaction is to analyze the converting part (e.g. a sale) of the past online traffic. Smart attribution is hugely important to evaluate the cost effectiveness of marketing campaigns and to optimize the media spending and budget mix. But attribution is per definition only focusing in the converting traffic and purely retrospective. Information of the major traffic share from none or better 'not yet' converting visitors is very much neglected. There are multiple communication/ interaction levels in the sales process and different marketing actions have different strength to capture certain level customers and transfer them from level to level. From transforming site visitor data into customer journeys of users to predicting the future behavior of these users and their next steps with time scales - this case study based on Dutch Online travel company will demonstrate how you can learn much more from the non-converts and use these insights in the predictions.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Alwin HaenselHaensel AMS
Founder and Managing Director
Haensel AMS
Finance Director
2:40 pm
Session Change for Combo Pass Holders
2:45 pm
Room: London
There's no better source for tricks of the analytics trade than Dr. John Elder, the established industry leader renowned as an acclaimed training workshop instructor and author -- and well-known for his "Top 10 Data Mining Mistakes" and advanced methods like Target Shuffling. In this special plenary session, Dr. Elder, who is the CEO & Founder of Elder Research, North America's largest pure play consultancy in predictive analytics, will cover his Top Five methods for boosting your practice beyond barriers and gaining stronger results.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
John Elder Ph.D.Elder Research
Founder & Chair
Elder Research
3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:55 pm
Room: London
Delivering Data Science is difficult. Data changes, is updated and replaced. Business rules change as understanding evolves. Requirements change. In this environment, the team must evaluate many models and algorithms, each of which can be tuned in many ways. This can be overwhelming. Guerrilla Analytics is a methodology for managing agile Data Science teams. Its 7 principles promote team efficiency, flexibility and agility when building predictive models in dynamic environments. This talk will draw on almost 10 years of experience spanning data mining pre-sales, forensic analytics and academic research to illustrate Guerrilla Analytics in action. You will learn about the 7 principles with illustrated examples of their application on real projects. You will also learn about the key operational capabilities your teams need to increase agility with Guerrilla Analytics.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Enda RidgeSainsbury's
Head of Algorithms
4:40 pm
Session Change for Combo Pass Holders
4:45 pm
Room: London
Part 1
To automate and optimize daily PPC bid-price setting over portfolios which can contain over 400,000 products and keywords is a challenge. The solution has significant budget impact for big retailers such as Argos. In this session you will see a case study where Hedley will show how the methodology developed delivered a 37% improvement in ROI for Argos overall. You will see how a new methods allow tight control over budgets and cost-of-sale, how forecasts showing optimized digital spend and expected revenues for future periods are constructed, and how this allows Argos to optimize budgets over product categories in order to maximise expected profit.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Hedley AylottSummit
David WooffDurham University
Mathematical Sciences and Statistics and Mathematics Consultancy Unit
Durham University
Part 2
Lloyds Banking Group has over 20 million Personal Current Account (PCA) customers and vast amounts of data available for use in credit decisions. In the past there has been a reliance on ‘Expert Judgement’ to build characteristics which are used in modelling. As both the quantity and quality of data grows it is imperative to research new modelling techniques that effectively use all data to ensure the Bank makes the best decisions for our customers. Currently Lloyds uses a traditional logistic regression scorecard for PCA overdraft application decisions. These scorecards use characteristics derived from a number of data sources, however they are largely based on expert judgement and do not use the full extent of the data to build models, as a result the predictive power of the data is not fully exploited by these models.As both the quantity and quality of data has grown there are a number of sources of data that are underused, but easily accessible for making PCA credit decisions. One example is the Transactional data, this contains information on monetary transaction on accounts such as transfers, over the counter and point of sales. This data contains thousands of variables over a hierarchy that is completely unsuitable to feed raw into the traditional statistical methods.Here we present two approaches using evolutionary algorithms to mine these previously unwieldy quantities of data to find which characteristics add most incremental power to the model. One based on Genetic Algorithms creates a library of characteristics based on the raw variables before selecting a subset for use in logistic regression models. The second method uses Genetic Programming to evolve the characteristics from the raw data in a method that can be used both to create new characteristics and as a stand-alone predictive model.The predictive power of both is compared to the traditional scorecard to show the improvement both in terms of discriminatory power and business benefit.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Richard DavisLloyds Banking Group
Head of Analytics
Lloyds Banking Group
5:45 pm
Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall
7:00 pm
Dinner with strangers

Dinner with strangers:
meet your fellow attendees.
See the registration desk for more information

7:00 pm
End of First Conference Day

Predictive Analytics World for Business - London - Day 2 - Thursday, October 29th, 2015

8:30 am
9:30 am
Room: London
Part 1
Instead of relying on the typical gut-feel, basic descriptive plots in Excel, or Google Analytics and Google Adwords descriptive analytics, iProspect Greece set out on a project to develop a rigorous predictive/prescriptive analytics solution utilizing traditional statistical techniques, including Regression analysis with automatic model selection based on the quality of fit and ANOVA (Analysis of variance with multiple comparisons and post-hoc hypothesis testing) as well as novel approaches including non-parametric, non-linear regression analysis using machine learning algorithms, all implemented in Python and R. The implemented analytics solution, although at its early stages, has already delivered a series of benefits, including an increase in the accuracy of KPI prediction between 40% and 80% for certain cases, huge reductions in the time required to analyse a campaign – from days to hours per analyst, an almost immediate response time to a client wanting to understand how their digital campaigns are performing and why. A pilot study for Allianz Direct achieved a 90% predictive accuracy on Google Adwords campaigns, driving conversions and subsequently finetuning their marketing strategy and budget, increasing ROI by 25%. In this session Michael Georgakopoulos will present how the implemented solution has since been applied across multiple major accounts in Insurance, FMCGs and Retail.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Michael Georgakopoulos
Management Consultant & Analytic Solutions Architect
Part 2
Successful Internet commerce sites have tens of thousands of unique daily visitors, creating large quantities of noisy traffic data. In the midst of this data are insights about customer behaviour and journeys that can help form commercial strategies, marketing decisions and data driven decision making, however deriving these insights can be a complex process. Sophisticated statistical predictive analytics techniques are required to indicate when there are subtle changes in the traffic data which can be acted upon. Using time series, textual analysis and statistical techniques, changes in customer profile traffic data can be isolated to give a daily or weekly detailed snapshot of the underlying customer behaviour prompting these changes.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Abigail LebrechtuSwitch
Principal Analyst
10:30 am
Coffee Break
10:55 am
Room: London
In a world of big data, organizations and consultants argue rightfully that more data is almost always better than less, and that successful organizations must find ways to collect and process big data to become more competitive. But is big data enough? If we collect enough data, do we naturally build better predictive models? Do we still need domain experts or should the data speak for us? If big data generates more hype than return on investment, what does it do beyond force us to spend ever increasing amounts of money to store let alone process the data. Fortunately, there are key ways big data can be leveraged using predictive analytics. More data means we can ask different questions from the data than we ever could with smaller data. It means we can be more sure that the patterns we are finding are stable and true. Mr. Abbott will describe approaches to leveraging big data with predictive analytics by selecting the right hardware infrastructure, software infrastructure, and business objectives. Examples will be provided based on recent advances in retail customer intelligence and cloud computing.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Dean AbbottAbbott Analytics
Chief Data Scientist
Abbott Analytics
11:40 am
Session Change for Combo Pass Holders
11:45 am
Room: London
The data landscape of a global market research company like GfK is incredibly valuable and challenging at the same time. But the more data GfK collects or observes, and the more heterogeneous this data is, the more challenging it has become to keep transparency about data assets and to make the data easily accessible. so GfK decided to transfer the data into a global Data Lake – an integrated repository for all kinds of structured and unstructured data coupled with a sophisticated Big Data Analysis platform. In this presentation Ralph Wirth and Anna Machens will illustrate based on real client questions: (1) how integrated predictive modeling – i.e., the development of predictive models using information from different data sources as predictors – can lead to significantly improved model performance, (2) how exactly the challenge of efficiently leveraging a data basis which seems overwhelming at first sight can be approached, and (3) how the approach of developing predictive models changes significantly if Data Scientists have the possibility to utilize the flexibility of Data Lake architectures and Big Data tools. Real-life case studies that will be presented including predictive models for leading coffee brands, which make use of information from numerous different data sources, such as past sales of coffee (Consumer Panels), sales of coffee machines (from retail panels), social media, brand tracker and advertising tracker KPIs, as well as external data, such as weather, regional holiday density, or external shocks. Furthermore Ralph and Anna will give insights into the toolbox that they identified as most useful.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Anna MachensNürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen
Data Scientist GfK Data Lab
Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen
Global Head, Science & Technology
12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:40 pm
Room: London
Part 1
The mission of Expedia is to revolutionize travel through the power of technology. The existing team based in Geneva serves a critical role in directing the organization’s efforts to improve hotel supply breadth and quality for the entire Expedia Inc. One of Expedia's goals is to acquire hotels that will produce. Sandro will show how Expedia uses Predictive Analytics algorithms to prioritize acquisitions. Contracted hotel data is leveraged and a model to predict the dollar value of hotels around the World is build. Regression problems are solved by using ensemble learning, through the Gradient Boosting Machine algorithm. Implemented in R, the prediction is based on data such as room capacity, star rating, latitude/longitude and TripAdvisor reviews. Sandro will describe the overall project, including data collection/processing, model tuning and current challenges.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Sandro SaittaSwiss Data Science Center
Chief Industry Advisor
Swiss Data Science Center
Part 2
The Belgian Social Security Institution is a federal agency that registers and monitors every active company in Belgium, and is responsible for the collection of employer and employee tax contributions. The taxes are levied on employer level, making this process highly sensitive to fraud. One of the main analytical techniques used to spread fraud through a network, are the so-called collective inference (CI) techniques. Here, one assumes that the label of a node in the network depends on the label of the neighboring nodes. Although CI is proven very useful, it can be easily mislead. A wrongful estimate of one node’s label (e.g., a true legitimate node is classified as fraudulent) might further impact the network and misclassify all other nodes in the neighborhood. In this presentation, we will discuss how (1) active inference – a subdomain of active learning for data analytics – is able to improve CI algorithms by selecting a set of uncertain nodes in the network to be labeled by inspectors, and (2) given that fraud networks are highly adaptive and evolve over time, we temporally integrate an inspector’s decision, knowing that this decision does not necessarily hold in the near future.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Veronique Van VlasselaerKULeuven
PhD researcher
2:40 pm
Session Change for Combo Pass Holders
2:45 pm
Room: London
The increasingly data-driven challenges of modern drug discovery require advanced computational and analytical techniques. However, the breadth and depth of skills required, and the unevenness in the demand for them, makes the overhead of full in-house provision impractical and uneconomic. This is the inside story of how GSK and Tessella, working together, are exploiting the flexibility and speed of a managed specialist analytics services model to meet this challenge. Examples illustrate the breadth of skills ranging from unsupervised machine learning and bayesian statistics through to signal processing and radar tracking that are needed to address novel analytics problems facing computational chemistry, biology, bioelectronics and advanced manufacturing. This ability to rapidly initiate multiple small and mid-size analytics initiatives is of immense practical importance in R&D, not a nice to have.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Nick ClarkeTessella
Head of Analytics
Stephen PickettGlaxoSmithKline
Computational Chemistry
3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:55 pm
Room: London
Featured Session
Anomaly detection has utility in many industries, and its potential to save costs and risk is huge when applied to maintenance prediction. But widespread sharing of techniques for predicting major episodes without a classic pattern of historical data has been limited by the lack of public data. In this paper, we use new, publicly available IOT data from motor sensors along with a variety of techniques to create predictive models. We also explore the effectiveness of Image Mining to further enhance our models. A roadmap for use on ANY type of sensor or IOT data that can be fast Fourier transformed is also discussed. As always, all examples are available and based on public data and employ a modern, open source (and free) platform so that everyone can benefit from our work.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
Phil WintersCIAgenda
Author and Thought Leader
4:40 pm
Session Change for Combo Pass Holders
4:45 pm
Room: London
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Sven Crone Dr.
Lecturer, CEO and Founder
5:30 pm
End of Conference
CloseSelected Tags:
$usersEventId = RoboUnivBerlin2016_1459421755

Innorobo - Robot@home - Berlin 2016


Innorobo - Robot@home - Berlin - Day 1 - Monday, September 5th, 2016

10:00 am
10:30 am
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
11:15 am
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
digitalSTROM AG offers a Smart Home Technology for every home. The Future Digital Award for Best Consumer Product in the Smart Homes category was awarded to the company in 2016 by the internationally renowned market research company Juniper Research. At IFA, the company will make a major announcement. Martin VESPER, CEO of digitalSTROM will discuss the concept of Smart Home for digital lifestyle and as a holistic networking system. He will share and exchange about his vision on the future of Smart Home: from IoT to Robot.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Martin Vesper
CEO Digital Strom
12:00 pm
Lunch break & Expo Hall Time
1:45 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
By encouraging consumers to “Live Smart. Enjoy Life”, ECOVACS ROBOTICS, winner of the Reddot and iF Design awards, aims to provide innovative robotic home appliances that assist consumers with their daily household chores, leading to a more comfortable and enjoyable life. David Qian, President of the International Business Unit of ECOVAC ROBOTICS, will discuss the concept and the future of Smart Home in the field of robotic home appliances.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
David Qian
2:30 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Andreas Argubi-Wollesen
Human Movement Scientist
smart ASSIST
3:15 pm
Coffee Break
3:45 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Alan Clayton
Roaming Mentor
4:30 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
5:00 pm
End of First Conference Day

Innorobo - Robot@home - Berlin - Day 2 - Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

10:00 am
10:30 am
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Stéphane Ribas
OSS Project Manager
11:15 am
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Cecile Huet
Deputy Head of the Robotics Unit
European Commission
12:00 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Martin Spindler
Internet of People
12:45 pm
1:45 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
Philippe will introduce us to use case scenarios for commercial drones and the result of his world tour study to shape up a future where Drones are part of our daily life.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Philippe Duvivier
Corporate Business Development
2:30 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
Max Vallet is the CEO of Evotion, an integrator of professional service robots and now creating a second company to build a professional service robot for hospitality. With use cases, he will illustrate how robots are disrupting the hospitality services and draw us his vision of the future of hospitality with robots.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
Max Vallet
3:15 pm
3:45 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
4:30 pm
Room: Hall 7.2
Sessions are held in English.
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Catherine Simon
CEO & Founder
Innoecho - Innorobo
5:00 pm
End of Conference
CloseSelected Tags:
$usersEventId = SMXMncheMnchen2016

Search Marketing Expo Conference - SMX München 2016


Search Marketing Expo Conference - SMX München - Day 1 - Thursday, March 17th, 2016

8:00 am
Registration and Coffee
8:30 am
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in German.
First time at SMX? Get the scoop on accessing presentations, WiFi, power food, networking and great content. Plus you’ll meet part of the SMX team as well as other “first-timers” and start making connections before the show starts. Open to all attendees and speakers.
Session description
9:00 am
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
Opening and Keynote:
Google's biggest shift the last few years has been from algorithms designed entirely by human engineers to algorithms designed (at least partially) by other algorithms. What does this mean for SEO and for web marketers? How do our tactics need to shift? What inputs still matter and which might be fading? In this presentation, Rand will explore the answers to these questions and give actionable tips for how to succeed in the new world of machine learning.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Rand FishkinSparkToro
All LevelsSEOHands OnInspirational
10:00 am
Coffee Break
10:30 am
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Part 1
The first step to any successful marketing campaign is to know your message. With search marketing that means understanding the search terms being used by your target audience. In this session we will show you how to find the best keywords that deliver results and the tools and strategies that are effective to optimize on the right keywords from the start.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Thomas Kaiser
cyberpromote GmbH
All LevelsSEOHands On
Sessions are held in German.
Part 2
The second part of the session covers the most important basics as well as the different approaches to produce high quality SEA text. You will learn about the importance of SEA text for the success or failure of your AdWords Campaigns as well as some techniques that will help you to optimize your AdCopy so that you can target your users better and stand out from the crowd.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Kai de WalsSUMAFA
SUMAFA Online Marketing Lösungen
All LevelsSEAHands On
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in German.
How does the Panda Update actually work? Is the keyword in the title really important and does Google know what I, the provider, mean? Many SEOs try to understand Google ranking factors by running their own tests and experiments. But too often SEO experiments do not stand up to scrutiny when questions arise. In this session we show you how to build a meaningful SEO experiment, what you can and cannot learn, how you can interpret results and how to gain insights from experiments that are relevant for your business. And of course you will also hear the latest findings on Google ranking factors.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Mario Fischerwebsite boosting
website boosting
Marcus ToberSEMrush
Head of Enterprise Solutions
AdvancedSEOHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in English.
You're familiar with keyword-based ads. Dynamic search ads are different - rather than using keywords, they automatically show your ad based on the content of your website. But that's not all. Dynamic ads can use real time data, can be refined with ad customizers, can help tightly focus your remarketing efforts and more. When ads are used like a blueprint, which is filled with dynamic elements we are dealing with Customized Ads. Who can and should us Dynamic Ads and Customized Ads? How much, which parts should be automated and how? This session examines how to create, use and launch dynamic ads and customized ads to supercharge your advertising campaigns.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Alistair DentiProspect
Brad GeddesAdalysis
All LevelsSEAHands On
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Analytics & Data
Every marketer is aiming to have a deep understanding of the user journey. How did we acquire this customer, which marketing channels were important and which provided a positive ROI? To retrieve this essential information you need to know which of the many attribution models will work for you. Last Click Attribution, Time-decay or should you use a linear model? And what about Cross-Channel and Cross Device attribution? In this session we will show you how to develop your own tailor made attribution model based on your data, that describes the path your clients took to get to your website as accurately as possible. We will also explain what happens after you have defined your model and you understand the journey. Learn how you can integrate cross channel and cross device attribution data and how to judge if you really have an increased performance as a result.
Session description
Matthias CadaGoogle Germany GmbH
Attribution Solution Lead
Google Germany GmbH
Lennart PaulsenDIGITL
Co Founder
AdvancedDataHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Google said that its mobile-friendly algorithm impacted more sites than their Panda or Penguin algorithms. And though mobile SEO has much in common with traditional SEO, other factors weigh significantly in mobile search algorithms. For example, how important is the mobile user experience? Is your site responding properly to tablets vs. phones or even different types of phones? What about load time, link placement, http status codes, or the use of rich snippets? To be truly effective at mobile SEO, you need to pay close attention to these and other factors, and this session shows you how.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
André GoldmannBüro für gute Websites
Büro für gute Websites
Jan-Henrik KöhlerAir Berlin PLC & Co. Luftverkehrs KG
SEO Manager
Air Berlin PLC & Co. Luftverkehrs KG
All LevelsMobileHands On
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in German.
EXPO+ Track
Part 1
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Sponsored by
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Carsten RauhMicrosoft
Director Search Advertising, | Strategic Sales Germany
Microsoft Germany
Sessions are held in German.
Part 2
The winner and nominees of the Second German Search Marketing Award SEMY present themselves. Don't miss our elevator pitch session and meet the best of the best. This session will feature the winners of the categories SEA Suite, Special Tool and Agency.
Session description
Sponsored by
SEMY Awards
Kerstin PapeOTTO GmbH & Co KG
Head of online marketing
Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
11:30 am
Session Change
Attention! The tracks "SEO" and "Analytics & Data" switch rooms for the next session only!
11:35 am
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Your information architecture and the design of your website should be attractive not only to your visitors but also for the search engines. Want to know about the basics that every SEO should know, from internal linking to navigation, from labeling to tools that will help you with your information architecture? This session will cover it.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Jens Fauldrathget:traction
Founder and CEO
get:traction GmbH
Stefan Fischerländerstefan fischerländer
SEO-Consultant and Developer
All LevelsSEOHands On
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
For Google to determine which URL has to be attributed to which language region and /or country you need the hreflang attribute. You use hreflang=“it“ if a site should be attributed to Italy and hreflang=“x-default“, if the English speaking version is the version that should be attributed for all languages and countries. So far so good. The devil though, is in the detail. Wrong labeling, language, and country abbreviations add up to the wrong combination of hreflang and Canonical Tags. Come to this session and learn how to use hreflang without tripping over the pitfalls, how to use other tags, like the language tag (important for the other search engines) and all of that in combination with a redirect based on the IP address.
Session description
Eoghan HennrankingCHECK
Senior Consultant
rankingCHECK GmbH
Ralf OhlenbostelGoogle
Mobile Web Specialist
AdvancedSEOHands On
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in German.
Google Shopping is growing rapidly and increasingly you will find that it produces a higher ROI than text ads. The big difference compared to classic SEA disciplines however, is that most catalogue retailers find it challenging to differentiate themselves from their competitors. In this session we will analyze data from leading catalogue retailers and focus on the following questions: How do Google Shopping and text ads play together? Are product ads merely the beneficiary at the end of the conversion funnel and you are investing way too much in it? Get higher bids and get rid of your poor performers. Is Google Shopping the perfect tool for catalogue retails to actively control the inventory? Come to this session and get the most effective tips and tricks for Google Shopping and learn how they can help you to make the most out of your Google Shopping investment.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Marcel ProthmannPeak Ace AG
Director Performance Advertising
Peak Ace AG
Andreas Reiffencrealytics
All LevelsSEAEcommereHands On
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in German.
Analytics & Data
Every user visiting a website, will be associated in real time with a specific psychological type and website elements will be displayed accordingly. Sounds like a dream for every online marketer, but is it really possible? Dynamic landing pages are already using existing data, but only in the best case scenario will user intent be recognized correctly and the landing page adapted accordingly. Data mining methods derived from big data offer new possibilities that allow the development of extremely effective new principles. André Morys will present a case study that proves personalisation strategies 2.0. can be developed and deployed. He will also explain the results that you can expect when big data meets consumer psychology.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
André MoryskonversionsKRAFT (Web Arts)
konversionsKRAFT (Web Arts)
AdvancedDataHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
Mobile is still very underrated. But think about it.. users are looking at their mobile devices up to 150 time a day, in the USA that number is even higher and increasingly significant. In these short but frequent moments, the mobile device is the all-deciding touchpoint in a user journey, that may lead to the purchase. But you will only benefit from this moment if you create mobile sites that offer different users in different situations maximum benefit, best usability and fastest speed. Mobile Optimisation offers very effective opportunities for e-commerce, in-store-commerce and direct client contact. In this sessions we’ll look at how you can meet the needs of mobile users and be present, speedy and useful for your potential and existing clients.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Cindy KrumMobileMoxie
Bas van den Beld
Search & Social Expert, Trainer, Speaker & Publicist
AdvancedMobileHands On
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in German.
EXPO+ Track
Part 1
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Sponsored by
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Andor PalauOncrawl
International SEO Consultant
Sessions are held in German.
Part 2
The winner and nominees of the Second German Search Marketing Award SEMY present themselves. Don't miss our elevator pitch session and meet the best of the best. This session will feature the winners of the categories SEO Suite, SEO Special Tool and SEO Agency.
Session description
Sponsored by
SEMY Awards
12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:45 pm
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
An incredible 1876 vendors of marketing technology offered their services in 2015. This is nearly 2 times the number (947) that were on the market in 2014. Scott Brinker, compiler of the marketing technology landscape super-graphic has catalogued them and despite (or possibly because) of this - the truth is that almost nobody is actually delivering truly multi-channel programs. In this thought provoking keynote address Dela Quist takes a close look at the opportunities and challenges the inexorable rise of marketing automation technologies presents to the marketing profession, as well as the impact that the adoption of these technologies is having on the lives of their customers.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Dela QuistAlchemy Worx
Alchemy Worx
All LevelsInspirational
2:40 pm
Session Change
2:45 pm
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Your AdWords Account is solid, yet runs alongside all your other marketing activities. It’s time to optimize, otherwise your budget will be wasted before you know it! This session covers the basics that every SEA - no matter if beginner or advanced - should know to get the most out of the AdWords account.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Martin RöttgerdingBloofusion
Managing Director and Head of PPC
All LevelsSEAHands On
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in German.
Your Google Rankings are dropping, your users are unhappy….it happens many times: despite detailed and thorough planning, your highly anticipated relaunch turns out to be your biggest nightmare once you press that Go Live button. But once in a while relaunching the website is a must for companies of all sizes and all industries. Google’s John Müller will show you how to prepare, carry out and supervise a relaunch from SEO-perspective without sliding down into a SERP-valley.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
John MuellerGoogle
Webmaster Trends Analyst
All LevelsSEOHands On
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in English.
Managing a paid search account with 10.000+ keywords requires both an intelligent organized structure and some level of automation to keep chaos at bay while achieving your KPIs. In this session Christi will cover the most important factors for managing a large PPC account including account structure and hierarchy, keyword management and expansions, ad copy development and testing, and reporting. I'll She'll also cover possible ways to automate your processes using Excel, AdWords Scripts and the API.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Brad GeddesAdalysis
Christi OlsonMicrosoft
Search Evangelist
AdvancedSEAHands On
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
Analytics & Data
Once you’ve created content that you think will drive the desired actions, you can start measuring the effectiveness of your content campaign and prove that your significant investment was worthwhile, or maybe not? Content shouldn't be measured with any single metric and certain data just isn't actionable. In this session we will explain how to measure the success of your content marketing (short term and long term success) by using Google Analytics and other technologies to take action from the data.
Session description
Simo AhavaSimmer
David Sottimano
Independent Consultant
AdvancedDataHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
Apps can be so much more than a cool and useful features for your users, Apps can be Mobile SEO Assets that rank in App Packs, App Carousels, Branded App Singles, Deep Links, Predictive Search and in the App Stores. In this session you will learn how they are different and what searches trigger them. But although apps are a great way to find specific things, Google and Bing maintain that a search box is a better way to gain the most from third party apps. So let’s take a deep dive into App Deep Linking and explore tactics for letting Google and Bing dig deep and directly within your apps to surface appropriate content in search results.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Emily GrossmanMobileMoxie
Mobile Marketing Specialist
Cindy KrumMobileMoxie
Mariya MoevaGoogle
Webmaster Trends Analyst
AdvancedSEOMobileHands On
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in German.
EXPO+ Track
Part 1
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Sponsored by
Refined Labs
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Sessions are held in German.
Part 2
The winner and nominees of the Second German Search Marketing Award SEMY present themselves. Don't miss our elevator pitch session and meet the best of the best. This session will feature nominees of the SEA campaign categories.
Session description
Sponsored by
SEMY Awards
Kerstin PapeOTTO GmbH & Co KG
Head of online marketing
Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
3:45 pm
Coffee Break
4:15 pm
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Link building has changed. Many tried-and-true practices of the past no longer work. Some may result in ranking penalties, making link auditing and cleanup more crucial than ever. But how do you go about it? How do you decide what to remove or disavow? This session explores the new best practice methods for link auditing, penalty identification, link cleanup and reporting for clients, managers and the all important "spam cops" at Google and Bing. And yes, it really can be fun... 🙂
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Kaspar SzymanskiSearchBrothers
SEO Consultant
All LevelsSEOHands On
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
Let’s talk about the about the complicated technical issues that completely sabotage even the best SEO efforts. While you're a master of the technical basics, even battle-scarred veterans can run into serious challenges and feel like Frodo in Mordor when they dive into web site infrastructure, and find that things get a lot more complicated. URL parameter facets + pagination + canonicalization? Mobile and hreflang? Local/geo + rel next/prev + AJAX + HTTPS? If you're stumped on some of these issues you're not alone. Come hear our experts talk about the common advances technical mistakes, how to find these mistakes and how the experts tackle the crazy, complicated technical issues.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Mike KingiPullRank
Founder and Digital Marketing Consultant
Ari NahmaniKahena Digital Marketing
CEO / Founder
Kahena Digital Marketing
GeekSEOHands On
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in German.
What's best: Single keyword ad groups, campaigns organized by match types, or allowing your bid modifiers to dictate your organizational strategy? How should you organize display and shopping campaigns? One account per domain or several accounts? Not everybody agrees, so it’s time to discuss. Oliver Zenglein and Matthias Weth will debate these topics and other organizational structures so you'll leave this session with great ideas about how to manage your paid search accounts and campaigns.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Matthias Pierrick WethCatbird Seat GmbH
Catbird Seat GmbH
All LevelsSEAHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
Analytics & Data
Big Data has become a blessing and a curse at the same time. Most companies are collecting more data than ever before, but what’s the point if you’re generating a data tsunami instead of usable insights? With the sheer amount of information available to both brands and consumers today, using data to make strategic decisions should be happening all around us - whether you’re a brand trying to learn about consumers and target appropriately, or a retailer looking for the next hot seller. But how can you collect, integrate and visualize these enormous amounts of data in a way that make sense? How does a brand learn about and target consumers while adding value rather than burdening or bombarding them? Marc Preusche will show you, what needs to happen before the analysis in order to have structure rather than chaos and Erika Ammerman, adidas Global Consumer Analytics, explains how adidas is working to make sense of it all, and keep the consumer – not the software or even the metric – centre stage.
Session description
Erika Ammermannadidas Group
Senior Manager ⁄ Global Consumer Analytics
adidas Group
Marc Preusche
Managing Director
Dept Data & Intelligence
AdvancedDataHans OnStrategic
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Ignoring mobile users is foolhardy in a world where mobile accounts for more and more traffic - as much as 50% in the US already... and a large percentage of sales. But mobile ads are not Web ads and the mobile Call-to-Action offers many interesting opportunities for the online marketer. But what's the best way to attract mobile users? Text ads? Display ads? Click-to-call offers? App Installs? Which ad form works for which goals? How can you effectively measure mobile performance? And what about targeting, by device, by location, or even by user demographics? Attend this session and find out. You will also learn how to optimize your bids based on your marketing goals. We will focus this session on mobile ads for Facebook and Google.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Thomas HutterHutter Consult AG
Owner and CEO
Hutter Consult AG
All LevelsSEAMobileSocialHands On
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in German.
EXPO+ Track
Part 1
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
Sponsored by
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Sessions are held in German.
Part 2
The winner and nominees of the Second German Search Marketing Award SEMY present themselves. Don't miss our elevator pitch session and meet the best of the best. This session will feature nominees of the categories SEO Campaigns and SEO Small Sized Campaigns.
Session description
Sponsored by
SEMY Awards
5:00 pm
Session Change
5:05 pm
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Your international SEO and SEA is in place and runs smoothly… are you sure? You have a technical infrastructure in place and the international strategy and structure seems to work well. But how good is your Domain Strategy, really? How effective is your international AdWords structure? Is your analytics data synchronised with your AdWords structure and are your servers fast enough? In this session we show you how to effectively audit and optimize the Status Quo of your International SEM. If you run an International website and are active in more than one country, you don’t want to miss this session
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Evert VeldhuijzenThe Reach Group GmbH
Managing Partner
The Reach Group GmbH
All LevelsSEOSEAHands On
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
The increasing trend for large scale sites is to build websites with several services. A blog that runs on WordPress, a main site that runs on something else, an eCommerce section on yet another platform. This requires a service oriented approach (from SEOs) in terms of providing related content, on-site search, XML sitemaps, hreflang tags etc. But it also requires different tools for analysis. How can you see what Google crawls, what goes wrong? And how do you manage the complexity of it all? Come to this session and learn how to bring method to the madness.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Joost de ValkEmilia Capital
Emilia Capital
AdvancedSEOHands On
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in German.
Combining TV tracking and AdWord campaigns is daily business for companies with big media budgets. But second screen AdWord campaigns are really interesting for a much broader group of advertisers (who don’t even run TV ads). Being in the right place at the right time with the right message/offer is much more effective especially if you can piggyback on the success of a TV campaign. Andreas Hörr will present examples of where we are today with TV tracking and he will show you the high potential opportunities when using TV ads that are not your own, as well as ads from suppliers and partners. He will also discuss how combining TV tracking and AdWord campaigns may help advertisers distribute some of their ad spend to suppliers.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Andreas HörrInsight-M Consulting
Insight-M Consulting
All LevelsSEAStrategic
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Analytics & Data
Microsoft Excel is an invaluable Swiss army knife for marketers. This common yet powerful application lets you import data from many sources and analyze those data in countless ways. You’ll leave this session knowing power-user tactics and tips to get the most from Excel.
Session description
Martin KreitmairCatbird Seat GmbH
Head of Performance Marketing
Catbird Seat GmbH
GeekDataHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Life is Life - advertising, marketing AND interaction in real time: Periscope, Snapchat and Facebook Live change every smartphone into an interactive live advertising and content channel. In this session Robert Seeger will spill the beans: examples, traps, anecdotes and provocations, it’s all about live content and live interaction as a success factor for online marketing in 2016. This session will not only deliver invaluable tips and tricks but will also be lots of fun.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Robert Seeger
CO-Founder and President
FMX World
Alle LevelsSocialHands On
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in German.
EXPO+ Track
In the past months, Google has again explicitly confirmed that links are very important. Also Yandex, the Russian Search Engine, has reintroduced links as a ranking factor after experimenting their ranking algorithm with no links for some commercial queries in Moscow. The Penguin Update was probably the most famous and most important Google Update when it comes to links. But is that all? No! Google has also developed, but in the hectic everyday life, one may overlook important changes. This presentation brings you closer to seven important aspects or changes concerning links and redirects. Things that are important for your SEO. Things that changed over time, where you may require a knowledge update or things that you never knew. Christoph C. Cemper, link specialist since 2003 and founder of LinkResearchTools, will share his SEO experience with you. He is looking forward to your questions.
Session description
Sponsored by
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Christoph C. CemperLinkResearchTools
Founder & CEO
LinkResearchTools (LRT) und Link Detox
5:50 pm
End of First Conference Day

Search Marketing Expo Conference - SMX München - Day 2 - Friday, March 18th, 2016

8:00 am
Registration and Coffee
9:00 am
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in German.
SMX Future
The role of SEO and other digital strategies is becoming established in the consumer space. But in the BtoB world best practices are not yet established. This is surprising since recent surveys show that 60% of a complex BtoB buying process no longer uses the traditional channel known as the “sales person”. In this presentation, we will take the BtoB customer’s perspective and use BtoB case studies to illustrate how the decision process is changing, how organizations and particularly digital practitioners can identify relevant touchpoints and - most importantly - how approaches can be developed to specifically for delighting the BtoB customer.
Session description
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Phil WintersCIAgenda
Author and Thought Leader
All LevelsStrategic
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
SMX Technical
Collect millions of reviews from travel websites, extract entities via AlchemyAPI and train a model to predict search behaviour in upcoming months based on what users are writing about specific geographical areas, specific accommodations? Or how about a recommendation engine for e-commerce platforms, that not only takes into account the number of purchases but also SEO specific factors like keyword difficulty, number of external links and more to find the right balance between internal linking and commercially interesting items? Classifying and structuring huge datasets of content can be time consuming, why not us a free trained Machine Learning API for Topic Detection to do this for you? In this session Jan Willem Bobbinck will introduce the concept of machine learning and share a few practical examples on how you can use it to optimize your SEO processes.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Jan-Willem Bobbink
Freelance Consultant
GeekSEOHands On
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
Content is a very valuable resource. You worked hard for it and should treat it in a very sustainable way. Mostly however, you only reach a fraction of your target group when you publish content, "miss“ the important influencers, and were in the wrong channel at the wrong time. There is nothing wrong with republishing content as long as it is intelligently recycled and offering at least the same value than it did when originally published. In this session you will learn which criteria you should look for when deciding which content to republish.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Rand FishkinSparkToro
Marcus TandlerRyte
Gründer und Chief Evangelist
All LevelsSEOHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Brands & Agencies
Today brands need to act like newsagents - they need to offer their users relevant information and engaging interaction at any time, in every location, no matter what the situation and all of that for every platform. To achieve this you need a method to the madness that is suited to the brand / industry sector. But once you have defined a method it will help you generate excellent tactics. Be inspired and learn how big brands create successful content and engagements across all important channels. We will also explain how channels like Facebook become increasingly important whereas search is losing its importance to a responsive marketing philosophy.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Blundstone OsterbergerCode and Theory
Managing Director
Code and Theory
Reinhard Patzschke
All LevelsSocialStrategic
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Your website was hacked? You missed an error? 404, 503 - site or service unavailable? No index? With complexity and growth of websites comes an increasingly growing challenge to stay in control and fix problems immediately. In this session we will show you which tools and processes will help you remain in the driver's seat at all times.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Markus HövenerBloofusion
Founder and SEO Advocate
AdvancedHands On
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in English.
EXPO+ Track
Think your website is delivering the experience that consumers want on their mobile devices? And are you driving paid traffic to your mobile site in an optimized way? This session covers all of the tools advertisers should have in their arsenal to connect with mobile users and create mobile website experiences that maximize conversions.
Session description
Sponsored by
Learn with Google
Cemal BuyukgokcesuGoogle
User Experience Consultant
9:55 am
Session Change
10:00 am
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
Marketing tactics are blurred more than ever. Social channels are actually big display networks and SEO can be purchased with sponsored content which search engines somehow index. Marketers run cutthroat search PPC campaigns to curated social audiences and retarget filtered by financial qualification, intent data and other psychographics. PR and SEO are inexorably wound and native advertising disrupts. Targeting is explicit, distribution ubiquitous, retargeting pervasive and filtered. In other words, It's an AWESOME time to be a marketer! Are YOU ready to take the challenge? Join Marty Weintraub, winner of the US Search Awards, for a no-holds barred shredding session to demystify the new, blended, universe of search and social, paid and organic marketing. Get inspired to crush social, integrated with search, distribute content to media players and other influencers, mine next gen' competitive intelligence for radical insights to drive content, PR & SEO, untangle the twisted TAO of paid and organic search and social. AND get started and determine what to do FIRST. by creating a reasonable marketing plan, using the right tactics and channels.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Marty WeintraubaimClear Online Marketing Agency
Co-Owner & Founder
aimClear Online Marketing Agency
All LevelsSEOSEASocialInspirational
10:45 am
Coffee Break
Attention! The tracks "SMX Technical" and "Content" switch rooms for the following sessions!
11:15 am
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in English.
SMX Future
The days of doing a search on an Apple product and being sent to Google are long gone. Siri routes people to many search resources, with Bing as the final backup. The new Spotlight feature on the Mac works similarly. Safari still uses Google as a default, but suggestions might detour searches away from it. Attend this session to learn how search has radically changed in Apple products, and what it means for marketers.
Session description
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Emily GrossmanMobileMoxie
Mobile Marketing Specialist
All LevelsInspirationalStrategic
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
SMX Technical
The Webmasters on the Roof are back. Mediadonis and guests will discuss live from SMX Munich about everything that is new, important and might change the SEO world as we know it. Such as the new kid on the Hummingbird block, RankBrain, Google’s new algorithm based on a machine-learning artificial intelligence system. RankBrain has been deployed only a few months but has become the third-most important signal contributing to the result of a search query already. What’s the opinion of the international search experts about RankBrain and Co? This power point free discussion will be both, exiting and fun.
Session description
Marcus TandlerRyte
Gründer und Chief Evangelist
Joost de ValkEmilia Capital
Emilia Capital
Rand FishkinSparkToro
Mike KingiPullRank
Founder and Digital Marketing Consultant
Marcus ToberSEMrush
Head of Enterprise Solutions
AdvancedSEOHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube... where do I begin? HOW do I begin? Our speakers will give you an overview of - and insight for - the most important communication channels. You will also learn which content works best in which channels as well as the outcomes you can expect.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Blundstone OsterbergerCode and Theory
Managing Director
Code and Theory
Jes Scholz
All LevelsSEOHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Brands & Agencies
Part 1
Endless communication loops, decisions that have to be approved by multiple departments and the list goes on... This used to be way we organised ourselves internally, but today we need to redefine our internal structures in order to stay on top of the changes. Decision-making is transferred from the executive to the operational level, the RASCI model is used for new organizations, leaders work according to the Expert-Achiever-Catalyst-Model. It’s all about switching to Agile Teams. Mario Hillmers will show how Agile Teams have been created from scratch at Otto and the challenges that were met on the way.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Mario HillmersOtto Group
Produkt Manager
Otto Group
All LevelsStrategic
Sessions are held in German.
Part 2
A relaunch is extremely expensive but does not necessarily deliver the expected results. Many companies have had this experience, maybe you as well. Yesterday we were looking at the SEA aspects of a relaunch, today we look at how to implement a relaunch while ensuring its economic success. Based on a case study, Gabriel Beck will demonstrate how agile development and optimisation need to work together to result in a positive ROI for your relaunch project.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Gabriel BeckkonversionsKRAFT (Web Arts)
Member of the Executive
konversionsKRAFT (Web Arts)
All LevelsStrategic
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Messenger Marketing is not for every company, but for the ones that use it, clients can become friends and friends communicate often, honestly and directly. In this session we will present the business opportunities that WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat and others offer. We will explain which businesses can benefit from using messenger marketing and what kind of resources they require to do so. We will also discuss the potential risks you should be aware of.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
All LevelsSocialHands On
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in English.
EXPO+ Track
Determining success in your AdWords account comes down to what happens after a click.This session dives deep on reporting & analysis techniques across AdWords and Google Analytics. Find out how you can generate the types of insights that lead to sustained account success.
Session description
Sponsored by
Learn with Google
Róisín MoranGoogle
Head of Data & Attribution, PerformanceX
12:15 pm
Lunch Break
1:30 pm
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in English.
SMX Future
Who's using Voice Search and how? Are digital personal assistants (like Siri and Cortana) changing the way we search? If Voice Search is going to be monetized in future, how can advertisers prepare? Purna Virji looked at Cortana data and also at usage on Siri, Google Voice Search and Amazon's Alexa, to see how search queries are changing. Come to this session and learn what you should pay attention to in the coming months and what you can do to be best prepared for the changes.
Session description
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Purna VirjiLinkedIn
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in German.
SMX Technical
The higher your PageRank, the bigger crawl budget. The bigger your crawl budget, the more your sites will be crawled. The relationship between crawl budget and SEO sounds straight forward but it never is. In this technical session we will show you how to optimize your crawl budget with pagination, indexable pages, facetted navigation, sitemaps, redirects, etc.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Bastian GrimmPeak Ace AG
CEO & Co-founder
Peak Ace AG
Philipp Klöckner
Podcast Co-Host
Doppelgänger Tech Talk Podcast
AdvancedSEOHands On
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
In a world where your subscribers expect to receive relevant and personalised messages in their inbox, measuring engagement is more important than ever before. In his presentation Dela Quist reviews the way we currently measure engagement and asks whether it is time to re-think what email marketing metrics we use and how we measure success. Loaded with data to substantiate his findings, this is a session not to be missed.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Dela QuistAlchemy Worx
Alchemy Worx
All LevelsHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Brands & Agencies
The acquisition cost for a client cannot be higher than his Life Time Value. Jeremy Liew, Partner with Lightspeed Venture Partners, has created a simple formula: "Lifetime Value (CLV) > Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), then you have a business. If not, you don’t. Simple!“ Your Online Marketing has to be prioritised so that you generate long-term clients without generating any additional media costs. CRM plays a major role here. In this session we will discuss how Jeremy’s formula can be put into action and we will show you examples of how this principle can be successfully put into place.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Jochen Schlosser
Director Data & IT
uniquedigital GmbH
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in English.
While Reddit is huge in many countries and increasingly used as a source for other media, it’s still mainly the core Internet community that is familiar with this platform over here. But now Reddit has launched their very first growth team, to focus on how to grow more international. So it’s about time you familiarize yourself with Reddit as there is going to be a lot of opportunity for marketers to really get on board and use the site. Also Reddit is an amazing testing ground for European companies considering a run in the US; it is a great place to test the audience and get feedback. In this session Reddit specialist Brent Csutoras will teach you all you need to know to not miss out on one of the biggest new opportunities.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Brent CsutorasPeakActivity
All LevelsSocialHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in English.
EXPO+ Track
With so many mobile apps out there, how can you get folks to find and download yours? Then once they've installed your app, how do you keep them engaged so that they keep coming back into your app? In this presentation, we'll show you how AdWords can help drive downloads of your app and grow a valuable user base. Then we'll talk about how to use AdWords to encourage those users to keep opening your app over and over again.
Session description
Sponsored by
Learn with Google
Christian Oliver HarrisGoogle
App Promotion Specialist, Performance X
2:30 pm
Session Change
2:35 pm
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in English.
SMX Future
Web Search has been the dominant model for 2 decades, but the introduction of apps such as Google Now, Proactive Siri, and Cortana mean that a new model is beginning to emerge. Entities and the Knowledge Graph were the start of a trend towards search engines answering queries rather than taking you to a website, and now App Indexing means another destination for searchers. In this session, you will see how you can begin to adapt your SEO efforts for this new world.
Session description
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Tom AnthonySearchPilot
AdvancedSEOHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in German.
SMX Technical
What‘s working on your site and what isn‘t? In this session you can get Google‘s opinion on this question. All registered SMX Munich 2015 conference attendees can submit a site for review before the conference. Learn only from the best and use the chance to receive the most relevant feedback you can get! Submit your proposal now under [email protected] (NB: only registered attendees can submit a site, not all proposals will be discussed in the session).
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
John MuellerGoogle
Webmaster Trends Analyst
All LevelsSEOHands On
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
SEO and Content can't be separated anymore and ecommerce companies need to adapt processes and reallocate resources on top of recreating their content. So how can you replace product list SEO text with a user-focused sales advisor? How can you create scalable product descriptions and gain high quality traffic via Google and social channels? In this session we will look at best practice examples of how the merger of SEO and content can be pushed forward and how to assure the quality of content, including content from external service providers.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Marcel KollmarOTTO GmbH & Co KG
Abteilungsleiter SEO · Online Marketing
Otto (GmbH & Co KG
Ralf OhlenbostelGoogle
Mobile Web Specialist
All LevelsSEOEcommerceHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
Brands & Agencies
Social Media, SEO, Email… where should companies use growth hacking? How do brands use growth hacking today and are they successful? Growth hacking for brand awareness - is that even possible? Many people still believe that growth hacking marketing is for startup companies only. At the end of the day it is always about gaining "the most" through creativity and automation - a possibility for every company no matter what seize. In this session, Marc-Oliver (OLI) Schmiedle, will show how you can be a successful growth hacker even if you work for a big company or a brand.
Session description
Harald R. FortmannD-Level
D-Level GmbH
Marc-Oliver Schmiedle
Sr. Manager Emarketing Head of SEO ebookers/orbitz Worldwide
ebookers/Orbitz Worldwide
All LevelsSEOHands On
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in English.
Programmatic buying makes data the centrepiece of modern performance campaigns. In this session Alistair Dent will look at first, second and third party data, where it comes from, how to organise and prioritise it, and how to use it to filter your ads to just the right people at just the right time. You will learn how these data sources interact and how they can practically inform campaign planning and optimisation. This session is suitable for novices or experienced programmatic marketers
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Alistair DentiProspect
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in English.
EXPO+ Track
When a user visits your site they’re expressing some sort of interest. You know that every visit doesn’t translate to a sale; but how can you take full advantage of all of that expressed interest? Remarketing through AdWords is an integral part of a successful account. This presentation will cover how to best remarket to previous site visitors.
Session description
Sponsored by
Learn with Google
Brian McCaffreyGoogle
Head of Audience, Performance X
3:30 pm
Coffee Break
4:00 pm
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in English.
SMX Future
Beacons are an exciting technology offering a range of hyper-localized "real world" targeting and promotional opportunities to marketers and brands. Apple and Google both have beacon initiatives and marketers and retailers are deploying major beacon campaigns. But beacons have also been the subject of enormous hype. This session examines the strengths and limitations of the technology and how forward-thinking marketers are actually using beacons today.
Session description
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Tom AnthonySearchPilot
Raj NijjerYext
VP Partner Community and Services
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in German.
SMX Technical
Webmaster Tools are very important for every SEO and Webmaster. In this session Stephan Walcher will show you the most useful functions that Google and Bing offer in their tools and he will give you invaluable tips and tricks on how to use them.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Stephan WalcherAuto Scout 24
Director SEO
Auto Scout 24
AllSEOHands On
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in English.
With more and more companies doing content marketing, it becomes increasingly harder do stand out from this content overkill. So, how do we make sure our content gets in front of the right audience? How do we create synergies throughout all of our content and how do we eventually get legendary links and mentions? In this session Martijn will show how SEO's and Content marketeers should leverage the power of Public Relations within their daily work and vice versa in order to achieve great results.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Martijn Burgman
Head of PR & Content Marketing
All LevelsSEOHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Brands & Agencies
Things got tougher in the worldwide data net. A few years ago it was easy for search engine optimizers to get top rankings with Google by using black hat methods, but now they are not only getting into trouble with the search engines but also with the lawyers. The newest verdicts about search engine optimization and search engine marketing that matter to brands will be summarized by lawyer Christian Solmecke. The expert for Online-Law will show which cases will be very expensive and the areas in which marketers may dare to enter grey zones without having to worry about ad extortion letters from lawyers.
Session description
Stefan Fischerländerstefan fischerländer
SEO-Consultant and Developer
Christian Solmecke
All LevelsSEOSEAHands On
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
Local search results have a higher conversion rate: this is especially true for bigger companies that deal with clients mainly locally either through franchise companies or branches. An added bonus is that you save margins, if potential clients are finding your franchise directly and not through an aggregator. Many good reasons to have a close look at your local search efforts. In the first part of this session we will focus on the SEO aspects of local search and Kai Spriesterbach will give you many practical tips and tricks, that are specifically relevant for chain stores having to manage multiple locations. In the second part Nico Neglein will explain to you how Audi supports their local partners by a centrally driven SEA campaign and successfully increased the number of potential clients visiting the the local showrooms.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
AllSEOSEALocalHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in English.
EXPO+ Track
Which iOS and Android interfaces are available to establish communication between app and web site? How can I avoid duplicate content, if Google can access my app? These and all your other burning app indexing questions will be answered by Mariya Moeva, Google's App Indexing expert. Submit your questions now under [email protected] (NB: only registered attendees can submit a site, not all proposals migh be discussed in the session).
Session description
Mariya MoevaGoogle
Webmaster Trends Analyst
All LevelsMobileHands On
4:45 pm
Session Change
4:50 pm
Room: Saal 05
Sessions are held in German.
SMX Future
Mobilegeddon, no more authorship images, upload of email lists in AdWords, universal App-Campaigns, Panda 4.2, quality update, Penguin 3.0, Pigeon update, keep updated and be informed about all important changes is a challenge. In this session we will bring you up to date, recap the main changes in search marketing since last year‘s SMX Munich.
Session description
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Tobias PappertProjecter
Head of SEM
Dominik WojcikTrust Agents
Trust Agents
All LevelsSEOSEAStrategic
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in English.
SMX Technical
In October 2015 Google launched a project known as Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP. In typical Google style, a bland name hides something that potentially will revolutionize loading times if enough media companies support it. Google is addressing this issue because speed remains to be one of the biggest mobile challenges. Even when the user found what he was looking for, data retrieval on a mobile phone takes significantly longer than we are accustomed to on a desktop PC. This is especially true when you are dealing with videos or images. It doesn’t take long for users to become frustrated and give up (and check out your competitor with the speedy mobile friendly site). You need to avoid „"click disappointment“ and you can by providing websites that load quickly. In this session will focus on speed for mobile performance optimization We will also discuss first results of the AMP project and which new options they present for the online marketer.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Cindy KrumMobileMoxie
Dominic WoodmanPiped Out
Piped Out
AdvancedMobileHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 13a / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Images are now central to many types of search and social advertising, and there are easily as many ways to fail with images as win with them. In this session, we'll cover the essential elements of successfully integrating images into ads across all platforms and networks. We'll look at issues like the psychology of images, colors, and text, how to think about images for various demographic and geographic audiences, the do’s and don’ts for using images on Facebook, Twitter, etc., and how to technically implement images. In addition, we'll show how to find the best stock images and when not to use them, licensing, copyrights, usage issues, and much more.
Session description
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
André GoldmannBüro für gute Websites
Büro für gute Websites
All LevelsHands On
Room: Saal 13b / 1.OG
Sessions are held in German.
Brands & Agencies
Precise communication with your clients at the perfect time with the perfect message - marketing automation makes it possible. But setting up scalable 1to1 communications with your clients has many challenges. In this session we discuss the strategic aspects and also the potential pitfalls, that marketing automation brings to the table.
Session description
Stefan Fischerländerstefan fischerländer
SEO-Consultant and Developer
Nikolaus von Graeve
rabbit eMarketing GmbH
All LevelsStrategic
Room: Saal 04
Sessions are held in German.
It is key that content shared on Facebook has a high CTR. But this is only possible if the content preview is optimized and tailor made for the target group. And this is where the Open Graph Protocol or more specific, the use of tags for the Open Graph Protocol, is needed. In this session Jens Wiese and Philipp Roth will explain how the Open Graph Protocol works and how to influence the display of links on Facebook, including preview pics, description, link title, author information and much more. You will also learn how to check data with the URL Linter and how to use Facebook Open Graph Tags for Twitter, LinkedIn & Co.
Session description
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Philipp Roth
Freelancer // Digital Strategy, Product Owner, Go-To-Market
Jens WieseTourismusmarketing Digital
Founder & Consultant
Tourismusmarketing Digital
All LevelsSocialHands OnStrategic
Room: Saal 02
Sessions are held in German.
EXPO+ Track
The Session Description will be available shortly.
Session description
5:30 pm
Room: Saal 01
Sessions are held in German.
Closing Session
Did you have a good show? Great! After two days of thought leadership, meaningful insights and tactical tips, you’ll be sure to have your own list of top takeaways, favorite speakers and sessions. Of course, you couldn’t attend every session – but have no fear! In this session you’ll hear from our moderators what they found most valuable, as we recap the best information from the show and give you their opinion on how to prioritize the take aways.
Session description
Alexander Holl121WATT
Stefan Fischerländerstefan fischerländer
SEO-Consultant and Developer
Strategieberater & Google Expert
VERDURE Medienteam GmbH
Markus Hartmann
axxios Consulting
Timon Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
Founder Technologie Beratung für SEO, AI & Data
All LevelsSEOSEASocialLocalMobileBusinessDataHands OnStrategic
6:00 pm
End of SMX Munich 2016
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