The Marketing Analytics Summit Blog


What do you wish non-analysts understood?

Marketing Analytics Summit - What do you wish non-analysts understood?

What do you wish non-analysts understood?


We asked our speakers at the Marketing Analytics Summit about their frustrations. Any of this sound familiar?


Melinda Byerley – Founding Partner, Timeshare CMO

“In the end, the value of analysis is more dependent on people than my skills.”

Presenting: I Walked a Mile in Your Shoes – And Boy, Do My Feet Hurt.

Cory Underwood – Senior Programmer Analyst, L.L. Bean

“Measurement is counting things – but how and when you count are often more important than the number you end up with. Context matters.”

Presenting: Data Collection Today: Tag Management Turmoil, Do-Not-Track, CCPA – and so much more

Tim Wilson – Senior Director of Analytics, Search Discovery

“Effective analyses don’t start with the data: they start with subject matter expertise, creative thought, and well-articulated hypotheses.”

Presenting: Data Visualization and Neuroscience

Dean Abbott – Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist, Smarter HQ

“Non-analysts are often surprised at how much “art” there is in building good machine learning models. It’s not just a matter of pouring data into an algorithm and out pops a great model!”

Presenting: Five Things They Didn’t Teach You in Data Science School

Matt Aster – Head of Marketing, Equity Trust Company

“Marketing and analytics aren’t magic, it just seems that way when done well. That and “trust me” isn’t scary, it just means all the data to support the hypothesis is there, I just don’t have it in a format that explains it well enough.”

Presenting: Getting Granular: How to Tell When You Are Too Deep in the Weeds.

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