What to expect from the first virtual edition

Yes, yes – Marketing Analytics Summit is going online! But we’re not going to set you up with twenty, one-hour long, recorded presentations in a row. Nope. No thank you. Who has the time or the patience?
You’ll get twenty 30-minute live interactions with each of our speakers.
You get to see every presentation – no separate tracks – and get to ask every speaker direct questions.
Why have I asked our speakers to cut back their PowerPoint slides to the Minimum Viable Presentation? So I can pepper them with questions and get to the heart of the issues they bring up AND I’ll invite you to post your questions in advance and in real-time. Between the two of us, I’m sure we can get the best possible out of each expert.
Conferencing From Home is Different
Sessions will be 30 minutes with a 15-minute break between each one. That way, you can take care of the dog, the kids, that yet-another Zoom meeting you have to be on. Each session will start on the dot – however, a great session might deserve extra time. In that case, we’ll let you continue the conversation with the speaker in a “side room” until you are done, while the event carries on.
Networking: Still Alive and Well
One of the best parts about going to a conference is making new friends and meeting old ones. We’re making sure that happens with a variety of networking activities to help you keep your professional network strong.
These are very low-pressure get-to-know-your-colleagues sessions:
Speed Networking – meet more people in 30 minutes than you can in a day
Roundtable Discussions – Best. Advice. Ever.
Birds of a Feather Conversations – pick your favorite topic
The Exhibit Hall – With a Twist
Sometimes you just want to know what the product or service is all about.
Sometimes you want to ask questions.
Sometimes you want a demo.
We’re making our sponsors visible and available to you – and we’ll feature them the same way we’re doing the other sessions. 15 minutes of presentation, then I pepper them with questions – and you get the chance to ask as well. When you see something compelling, you can set up a private session and really dig deep to see if this vendor or that agency can help you out with a specific problem.
All will be recorded and kept online for your future reference.
So please- look over the schedule on the Agenda and cherry-pick what you want to see. Then, add two more sessions to the mix – things that are not at all familiar. Why? Broaden your horizons!
Jim Sterne
Founder of
Marketing Analytics Summit
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